Saturday, April 26, 2008

whack gal??

erm.....bcoz of smth,
yesterday(25th of april)..
i reli felt wana whack a gal(but i din do so)...
as usual, my style is tat i wont whack gal de...
coz i thk tat who whack gal reli a loser...
i admit tat i am a quite stubborn, oso impetuous person n i am someone who full wif pride......
i whacked my class representative last time here(inside taylors)
coz i hate ppl who blackmail me...
as i promised miao tat i wont whack ppl ler.....
i will try to ful-fill my promise...
if i had make someone feeling annoying abt me, sorry....
i knew i did so much b4...
but my style is: i wont care others' thinking who is not important for me....
but i will try to change now....


Just Me..XD said...

hehe...i oso...start frm nw..i wont care abt wat ppl thinking who is nt important for me...^^

J-syn said...

o.o so fast post another 1 eh...ahaha.. post more~ XD becks~ 给你一句话~ 听~女友的~话..他受伤~ =P

YKit said...

har???wat means o???hear gal fren's talk???then he hurt???"wat means by "he" o?

J-syn said...

... dang.. always lik that oh~this stupid com.. dunno 别让她受伤~ got 1 time dunno do wat erase my whole post making me need to rewrite =.=

Winnie said...

well, a man should not whack a gal until u cant tolerate.. lolx

JustaBeez said...

no tolerance not gentleman ... worst than a dead things ... so funny ah ? delete the previous blog and post new? ... lol .. u dont dare face the truth then wrote something fake ... as ckb said u are totally immature ... 有哪个情人不帮自己的爱人 ... 真的利用你自己还是真的爱你...你自己想清楚吧...爱你的话...结婚那天别忘记请我 ^^

JustaBeez said...

or u scared people read what im wrote in comment?

Ong. JJ said...

wahaha, same comment as previous comment i put at ur blog, fren.

YKit said...

erm....i deleted it bcoz i learned to b not to hate a ppl, coz it is reli tiring.

Just Me..XD said...

u geng li yonging him u oso noe? li yonging him.....u r correct.....haha

chai dajie said...

wow...see wat happen here....
stop fighting like budak bah...
if really don wanna be fren anymore then jus say out and tat's "close file"...nid not hurting or acting so extreme to each other...make ur live so difficult!!! sigh~

YKit said...

lol....v dun fighting at all lar....

Boon said...

lol...wah...dun put me on table eh...i am the one who immature lah...dun argue lah...coz i am good man lai de mah...haiz...

lol...i am neutral deh...soli for my busybody lah...ei...coz i want to be fren to pauline and yap oso...later both nyiak me leh...i am not double head snake leh...i didnt say both bad thing leh...juz giving advice that we are once classmate be4 and we r fren be4 mah...dun make it like this mah...ok??

cms said...

wow~~~ wat happens here????

YKit said...

ckb....v wont blame u lar.....since u wana to haf more frens.....stop tis pls, reli annoying

Ong. JJ said...

this is the blog which receive the most comment.
gratz yap. u r important at all..
keke, jkjk oni....

YKit said...

thx lar ojj.....but wont receive as many comment as tis liao....coz v thk clearly liao