Tuesday, June 24, 2008

7 days sandakan journey(part II)..

erm...after cut our hair, v go to take photo(i nid it to renew my international passport).....
thr is nth special in sdk lor, i wonder izzit the factort of having my half a year life in KL,
i found out that my few days of vacation in sdk is damn bored!!!
blackout(which i nid not to face it when i was in kl),bored living style....
afterwards i went to watch my nephew's badminton competiton, b4 this i took my SPM n UEC slip frm the office, n chit-chat wif some of my fornal teacher...wat a awesome!!!the building haven started to use yet!!!my conclusion:five years of the development in sandakan is equal to one year of developement in KL[juz a approximation, mayb this ratio will b greater or wat]....i saw my shadow at my nephew, the way he talk, he act, he play badminton same as me.....[oso very lc].....haha...
tat's max style wat....lcly...hehe....short in all, there's nth special abt my sdk trip this time lor, i went nam choi bah kut teh,ocean king to eat my favourite food...i went yem cha wif vince them all, wif susu, chit-chat wif wu ying,lai mang, corn.....
one more thing i want to share wif all blogger is tat i become even more noob!!!in kl, i nid not to run so much, coz all my teammates were good,they have brilliant skills,good mastermind, good thinking of tactics...wif them i can getting lazy n juz walk around, but i cant do this when i played futsal in sdk....
i went futsal wif ah hung, jack them....
our team:me,jack,ah hung,ah kwan, n ah kwong...
our opponent:zhu ting yang, zhung han zhang, yang guo,liu rong yi, n shen guan hui....
our team nearly trashed by them, v beat them 6-5 by a last minute winning goal....
reli terrible, terrible n terrible...i never thk of this will happen on me especially when playing futsal in SANDAKAN!!!! however, just a friendly match....i must improved myself....
one more things to tell all of my fren: i dye my hair.....
i dye it b4 i played futsal in kenny saloon(indah)...
i found out that kenny is much more better thn vmix, of coz!the cost will b higher, cutting hair in kenny will cost rm23, while in vmix only rm20,
i cutted my hair again in kenny, i pay rm85 for both colouring n cut....
thats all i wana share wif u all.....

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