Thursday, July 17, 2008

My birthday...

firstly, thx for miao who is my phoenix gf n she gif me a cherised moment over all the time,
n she gave me a touched n surprised birthday!!!she is the first gal who can make me touched n cry....hehe....thx a lot, zhi zhi...
secondly, thx for my best frens, herng,ckb,kong....specially, i wana thx ckb..!he gave me wishes of different language, so damn lame lar....however i appreciate it....n herng, he coundown for me n called me....n one more fat-ass kong, he is the only one show middle finger to me when my birthday, u sux man, dude!!!=P
thr r a lot of fren countdown for me[even my cousin](this the first time,since i gave birth, i now 19years old d)cham, so old only my fren countdown for me.....haha....
of coz, i nid to thx for my family,bro,sis,n oso cousin oso wished me had a good birthday....
i receive birthday msg frm takeshi,clive,belinda,tvy,frankie,shim,sau mai,ah sun jie,shan,cms,chok,yang wei,vince,lau fui,ah leong,matthew,regina,ai yei, n more more[mayb i forgot someone who did wish me, pls inform me,coz i cant rmb d]hehe, paiseh..
one more thing:ppl who wish me lately.....OJJ, min hui, gloria, lky n elaine.....haha...anyway thx oso....keke...i 19years old d, cham, not bok bok chui anymore.....haha...OJJ.....haiz.....

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