Thursday, August 7, 2008

charty pe07....

successful??duno lar...
our pe07 guys completed our charity fest---->sell fruits n chocomellow....haha....
all of us only decorate our booth(so call booth?juz a few tables thr, no shutter..)on 6/08 morning...
however i was quite happy tat v can earn 300+ at the end of the day....haha....can it be counted as successful?compared to the bazaar v did in yy when i was S2, of coz, it cant be considered as successful...but one point i wana mention is tat v plan this thgs only on monday....haha...earn 300+, v muz satisfy wif it...
all os uf co-operate in selling the fruits, chocomellows...quite nice...
but thn, aaron....he only come at the end of the day, WT*?how can he like tat?
me n herng get around rm200 at the fes hour...v go around lecturers office n sell to them, one packet a freaking foreign lecturer claims tat rm5 is too exp, n he throw rm2 for us on the come he do like tat??thn me n herng juz keep quiet n v take the money, bcoz tis is for those kids in china,, me n herng b patience lor....i quite happy tat all of us can co-operate in this sales, matthew oso come n visit us...although he ate 2 chocomellow n din pay for it...(bcoz juz few of it left)...haha....v enjoyed putting those ice cube into our fellow's shirt n pants...ha!ha! is it looks childish?but nvm lar...v enjoyed playing it...haha...


Cliv3 said...

wa.. got so lc de lecturer in your sch

Just Me..XD said...

our class earned rm1600.....highest?(frm my mentor, it is..wahaha...)
(baskin robbin tat nt counted lah..)

YKit said...

hehe....yalor, tat lecturer is icpu de.....n very chuan....haha,miao...2nd highest??baskin robbin fes eh..n dun forgot our class is only organise on monday de....haha