Tuesday, August 5, 2008


how come??
taylors U college will organise a charity festival tmr(06/08/08)....
v knew abt it long time ago, keep waiting for our mentor to tell us....[tis let me rmb of our baucar sale when i was s2 in yy....our scout n s3a....damn nice lar tat time]...
v wait wait wait.....
thn our mentor only told us abt it tis monday(04/08/08)....from her, i knw tat she had many plans abt this charity things n wana carry them out,but bcoz of our class(damn famous)...thn she gave up on it....
our ass-class rep,Tim, he suggest that v do some sales on tat day, i thk this make our mentor shocked...afterwards v decided to haf games, n selling fruits[is it funny bcoz of selling fruit??, i dun thk so.., mayb we can b a fruit king....haha]
at the last moment, v gave up on those mini games, bcoz we lacking of time n space( we just given a parking slot to do ooure booth??how enuff??) to do it....
i wonder how come those alevels lecturer thk tat v r irresponsible n v could do anything on it?
bcoz of v r famous of fighting??disturbing inside clasS??
v cant b valued by tat wat?haiz.....
i duno lar....but tmr we r going to sell fruit dipped in chocolate...hope we can get a gd result n dun let others look down at us.....

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