Saturday, April 26, 2008

rich family??standard family??poor family??

pauline said tat i envy her rich..
muz thx her....coz she make me haf some comments n feelings abt wat she said...
n i wrote tis blog,
i was borned at hospital thong sin(KL)...
my dad was a samseng last time..
thn bcoz of this...his sister forced him to go sabah work...
thn i have had my childhood in sabah for 18 years...
erm my dad working for his sis's husband in sabah....
i lived in a standard family(not rich or poor)..
v had simple life that i reli appreciate it so much....
now i studying in taylors university college main campus, subang jaya...
i having CAL(cambrige alevel)course now...which the tuiton fees quite exp now....
almost 8k per 3 semester...
my dad save a lot to support my studies now...(coz he is not a boss, juz a worker)
i driving a proton saga which is older than me now(the car of my uncle's company)..
erm...then got one day, i told my dad tat i xiong buy a mazda rx-8...
thn my dad explain a lot to me, n awake me.....
i reli got a bit feel tat i am "bai ga zai"...
coz my dad save a lot for us....
i haf n-95, ipod classic 80gb....somemore n more....
but i still not satisfy....ask for rx-8 somemore...
thn my dad said:
"not i cant afford to buy rx-8 for u....
is tat i dun wan u rely on me so much...
other ppl rich is their own problem..
if u drive a rx-8,
others' conclusions is only tat wakao, tis guy so rich!!(but all his money is his dad one)...
if one ppl reli success, is he success by his own hand n his own efford!!!
i reli awake after my dad told me all of tis!!!i admit tat i not rich enuff....
but i am not such kind of dog....n wana to envy ppl's richness...

smth needs to b added is tat: my gandmum n grandpa died b4 i was born...they had 12 kids(6 sons n 6 daughters), coz of their living standard not quite high last time, thn they din pass anythg to my dad, my dad achieved all thgs by his own!!!DAD, u r the best!i love u!!
although thr a many rich guys who achieved their success by getting theirs parents' business or fortune....
but i totally wont envy of them....
now i haf a belief
tat is
"v will only appreciate thgs tat v achieved by ourselves..thn i will try to get a success by my own effort...n having a nice life wif miao next time..."
actually i oso quite rich now among my frens.....haha...==
ps: one more thg!!
thx my good fren, ah herng...
he told me smth again....
he said tat no nid bother pauline...
coz v come here is to study de....thx a lot...herng...


Just Me..XD said...

haha....quite touch lah...mature oh...^^
agree a word lah....n nt important oso...haha

YKit said...

thx miao for accomapany me...haha....
i reli wana cry when writing tis blog...(mayb ppl will say me fake, but wat i said is truth)...

J-syn said...

wa.. nice post up eh~ yea not important.. just do wad ya have to do ya parents, friends that are important to you and stuff..heh


J-syn said...

jeez..having a hard time tyoing those word verification here =.= ... tried 4 times d

YKit said...

thx for ur comment...jsyn....i appreciate it

ShArIE said...

well, i duno wat is going on between u guys overthere in im glad that u r mature enough to thk like this and understand ur REALLY OWN FAMILY SITUATION..i believe that will be a motivation for u to work hard for ur future.. gd luck..

Boon said...


lol...i also love u leh!!!

YKit said...

ckb sometimes u comment ah???reli duno i shld gik sem o happy...keep make ppl laugh one....u r a good fren

JustaBeez said...

not bad ... u finally face the truth ... as me also trying to improve myself ... i may walk faster than u or may slower also ... i think i walk faster ... im the first who took all of it not important at all ... just ckb kept pick my appetite ... lol not bad yah .. gambateh on living for urself and not others ... not happy then face to face talk loh .. nth is cant solve what ... truth is truth ... scared only make u run away/delete/dont dare to do ... i dare to say u can kill me ... sure i will let u kill deh ... 我讲到做的到 ... learn urself bah

Ong. JJ said...

haha, quite funny..
war of blog....
i never think abt this..
we can launch a war through blogging..

YKit said...

lol...pauline, however thx for u....if din haf ur existance, i wont knew tat i mature liao....but maybe as ckb say(i am not immature)...