Friday, May 9, 2008

midvalley talks....

on 08/05/08
i had my conversation wif one of my 猪朋狗友-----> kongz.
in midvalley...
the chatting last for 2 n half hours i thk...
i decided to skip moral studies..
thn after i fetch max to ktm,
i rushing all the way to meet my dog fren---> kongz...
haha...after i reached midvalley n parked my car...
v met inside mph....
thn v go n take my souvenir!
afterwards, v start our conversation in macd....opposite of Golden Screen Cinema....
i found out tat, kongz reli is my dog fren...
when i meet him, both of us scold each other like siao....
n i reli appreciate that i had such kind of fren...

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