Saturday, May 10, 2008

skin specialist...

(10th may 08)because of my ugly, full of pimples face,
i went for a check-up wif a skin specialist doctor,
this is my fes time go for such "specialist" doctor....
it is located in taman united(behind pearl international hotel)...
my cousin who was awarded as a Datuk brings me go thr tis morning around 1030am...
once we arrived, v can go in to meet the doctor immediately,
(is it the power n benefits of 'Datuk'?)
according to the doctor,
my skin became like tat,
is because of the excess man hormones inside my body and induce the gland to produce oil,
n makes the face become the doctor added again:ur face like tat not bcoz of u, n some ppl will oso like tat de...
start frm now,
i wana get rid of those oily food...coz habits of eating is oso one of the big factors who lead to pimples!
late sleep oso will helps in grower of pimples,
but wat can i do?
in KL life, no ppl sleep early, n college life will make ppl mad de, it is full of stress...n once exam coming, v nid to burn midnite oil to revise, so?
i will oso try to slp earlier...
u knw how much it cost for me???
the most expensive doctor i had ever c...
wana go n c him after 10 days again;....hehe....according to him, i will get my face bak as handsome as b4 after 3 months, so, juz wait n c lor!!!!
so, i will become handsome as b4 after 3 months..(so vain ler...)


Ong. JJ said...

handome lar, no nid treatment.....handsome oso....... c gt many 44 lam u de wor....... keke.....jkjk oni........

YKit said...

i nt handsome as u de....ojj....