Saturday, May 17, 2008 cousin...

after go sunway wif miao,
i arrived home at 10pm..
thn cousin said go yem cha at 11pm.....
i am quite frustated abt my future, coz i wana to go foreign U,
but i feeling wana change my thinking n decision, after chatting wif Dr. Wong...
but then, i told my cousin(aik thor kor) abt this...
then he explained many thgs to me,
he said that's not a problem, my gu zhang, my 4th uncle can help me,
but me n my dad oso dun wan rely on others...
thn he said,
my dad can afford de...n now, tats no reason for me to worrying abt,
the only thgs i can do now is study my alvl well.....n dun worry abt other thgs.....
n he said: once u has interested in ur studies, try to find a good U which can provide a nice education n good instrumental studies for u.....
he said: foreign U can provide all of this to me.....
coz he came frm foreign U de.....
i feel relax after chatting wif my cousin!!!!thx him very much......

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