Friday, May 9, 2008

wat i realise...

now i had a cherished moment wif my gal for the time being...
i realise tat....wat is important between two is confidence n being honest to each other...
coz the personality of gals n boys r totally different....
n as a boy,
v cant get what gal's thking everytime...
so, honesty playing an important rule!
v should told others abt our feeling...
if not,
others should not know our feelings,
this mayb will lead to the happen of misunderstanding....
so, v muz say out our feelings.
n at last, best wishes to all my frens, no matter who is in single or in a relationship to others...
god bless all of us.


Just Me..XD said...

v cant ignore sum people tat are nt important at all...noe y?thr are sum ppl in dis world would lik to make n c ppl quarreling...its reli tough to nt bother tat kind of u said they will happy since they success le?mayb...they reli success me n u...they wont success de.....act..its shows thr are many kind of ppl in this world....haha

P/s: u can dun listen to wat i said..i will sad? dun wan gv ppl chance to insult me le....reli enuf le

YKit said...

i wont ignore wat u said lar....
n i wont let my gal sad de.....