Thursday, May 15, 2008

local U or overseas U.....

i am frustated of choosing local U or overseas U this few days....
according to a Dr. professor wong(my dad's fren),
who is a mechanical engineer,
he had his U life in japan and england...
he found out that study in overseas reli will waste a lot of money.....
n a lot of foreign U which haf their U in malaysia is not as good as their own U in overseas....
bcoz most of them will facing the problem on lacking of professor on giving lecturer...
n i knew tat engineers play a quite important role...
they need to pick up their responsible once they pick up the task...
n mechanical engineer is not a easy course to choose....
local U.
among all, i only trust UTAR only...
but thn,
if let me choose....
of coz i will choose overseas lor!!!!!
i thk high probability i am forced to choose local U lor.....
co i nid to thk about the future of my sis n bro...
i cant juz thk for myself....
now hope can get a good result in my alvl fes.....


Cliv3 said...

lol.. this is of coz de la.. They must care their HQ more than branches.. mayb i will choose tweening programme oso if cant get scholarship.. anyway.. +u in ur a level la

Boon said...


yap...gambate ah...coz i believe u can do it...!!!

beside...this fren of mine are sibeh rich leh!!!

YKit said...

i am not as rich as ckb lar....
erm...thn u good loh.....clive...
i high chance go UTAR o...
go UTAR wif me eh..