Monday, May 19, 2008

semester exam....

my fes semester exam is cuming on 9th june.....
duno why i seems like no mood to study at all...
now still got 3 weeks to go,
i said i wana to start my revision since last week...
till now, i had only revised phy chapter 1 n 2, still got 12 more chapters to go(juz for phy)...
maybe i thought this kind of thgs i learned b4?
bcoz those example teachers taught in the class r quite simple...
but once v do further exercise or past year questions.
reli so hard to do...
i muz start now!!!!


cms said...

hey i oso feel tough when i come acrossto study physics

good luck to u anyway haha

cms said...

clarify something:

ei someone uses my name on my chatbox to write something bad i think and that is not me if there is other things that turn up it is not me coz i really seldom online haiz so poor always got ppl like to make some mess in my blog

okay?juz ignore all the things in the chat box if got any...